Recovery Programme Outcome Measures
Recovery Assessment Scale
The Recovery Assessment Scale (RAS: Giffort, Schmook, Woody, Vollendorf, & Gervain, 1995) assesses service user empowerment, coping ability, and quality of life. Scale scores have been found to be positively associated with self-esteem, empowerment, social support, and quality of life, indicating good concurrent validity. It was inversely associated with psychiatric symptoms suggesting discriminant validity (Corrigan, Giffort, Rashid, Leary, & Okeke, 1999).
In 2015, it was decided to make a minor adjustment to the reporting of the RAS figures in this outcomes report. The change involved moving from reporting total scores to reporting mean scores, which makes the data more meaningful to the reader, whereby it is easier to draw comparisons across the subscales on the RAS.