In 2016 pre and post RAS scores were available for 21 participants, and pre and post DAI scores were available for 20 participants. The average age of psychosis programme participants was 39.51 years (ranging from 18 to 79 years) with an even number of males (n=36) and females (n=36). 77.8% were single, 18.1% married, and 2.8% were separated or divorced. 31.9% were in employment, 22.2% were receiving disability allowance, and 12.5% were students. Over one quarter had attained a third level degree. 26.8% had completed the leaving certificate, with another 26.8% having a non-degree third level qualification. The remaining 22.6% had left school before the leaving certificate. The majority lived with family (69.9%) followed by living alone (24.7%). 5.5% were living with friends, or cohabiting. The majority of service users reported their ethnicity as white Irish (97.3%). Comparing 2015 to 2016, services users, for whom we have data, appear relatively similar in terms of age, gender, marital status and employment.
There were similar trends identified in the primary psychosis experience reported for service users in 2015 and 2016. In 2015 the primary reported symptoms were delusions, followed by hallucinations, and paranoia. In 2016 the primary reported symptoms occurred in the same order, delusions (61.4%), followed by hallucinations (22.9%), and paranoia (14.3%). See the figures below for reported primary psychosis symptoms in 2015 and 2016. The average attendance per client in 2016 was 9.4 sessions. Participants are permitted to attend multiple cycles of the programme.