Summary of Findings
1. A sample was chosen out of a dataset of St. Patrick’s Mental Health Services inpatient discharges for 2016.
2. A female to male ratio was for adult service user’s 1.4:1 for adults and WGAU 3:1 for adolescents.
3. Among the adults, there was a 7% increase in the number of service users who were admitted for the first time, in comparison to 2015. In the 2016 sample, 1st admissions accounted for 37% of adult service users.
4. 91% of WGAU admissions in 2016 were first admissions to a mental health service. There was a 4% increase in the number of first admissions in comparison to the 2015 data.
5. 2016 analysis of the primary ICD-10 codes showed that for the adult population the most frequent reasons for admission were mood disorders followed by behavioral disorders due to psychoactive substance use and neurotic, stress related, somatoform disorders.
6. In 2016 the breakdown of baseline clinical global improvement scores on admission shows that 30% of SPUH and SEH service users were markedly ill. Another 30% were moderately ill. 15% were severely ill. 2% of service users were extremely ill on admission.
7. Based on a sample of 224 (total cases with discharge CGI score documented) 93% of the sample were rated with an overall improvement (1 – very much improved (18%), 2 – much improved (54%) and 3 – minimally improved (21%)). The percentage of sample rated with an overall improvement is exactly same as it was observed in 2014 and 2015.
8. The majority (61%) of WG service users were scored as having a moderate degree of interference in functioning on admission. The ratings revealed an overall higher impairment of functioning in young people on admission in comparison to 2015 data.
9. The overall improvement rate for Willow Grove Adolescent Unit was 87% which gives a 12% increase in comparison to 2015 data. Of the sample 1% were found to have no change and this referred to a case with short 6 day admission. Another 5% were found to have dis-improved following in-patient treatment.
10. The audit shows that 31% final CGI scores were not recorded on discharge.
11. The audit shows that in 5% of cases the final CGAS score was not recorded on discharge. All these cases referred to short (below 7 days) admissions.