Data collection
The three surveys for the Dean Clinics, Inpatient, and Day Programmes were continually distributed from January to December 2016, in order to gather information about service users’ journey through St Patrick’s Mental Health Services, thus engaging a system in which service users can offer feedback and take an active role in the provision of their care. From March 2016, the Service User Satisfaction Surveys for the Dean Clinics, Inpatient and Day Programmes were also available online, in order to increase accessibility. The employment of the Service User’s Satisfaction Survey is part of a larger quality improvement process undertaken by St Patrick’s Mental Health Services. Data collection across SPMHS is continually facilitated as a key strategic objective to improve services.
Dean Clinics
Dean Clinic administration staff gave all attendees an opportunity to complete the questionnaire and return it in person or by post to St Patrick’s Mental Health Services or to complete the survey online. All service users were given an opportunity to complete the questionnaire with the exception of those attending a first appointment or assessment, and those whom Dean Clinic administration staff felt may have been too unwell to complete the questionnaire.
Inpatient Adult Services
All service users discharged between January and December 2016 from inpatient services were given the opportunity to return the satisfaction survey prior to discharge, by post following discharge or to complete the survey online.
Day Programme Services
Programme coordinators in St Patrick’s Mental Health Services invited all services users finishing a programme to complete a copy of the questionnaire and return it in person, by post to St Patrick’s Mental Health Services or to complete the survey online.